Acts 2 shows us that the Apostles devoted themselves to the scriptures. Why does this affect our understanding of and relationship to the scriptures as individuals and as a church family? 

The Apostles are the patriarchs of our faith and the first-hand witnesses of who Jesus was, what He did, how He lived, and what He taught.

Prior to Jesus's arrival, there was a deep anticipation for the coming of the promised Messiah. The knowledge and understanding of scripture allowed the Apostles to recognize the many signs that Jesus performed as the fulfillment of scripture, therefore confirming that Jesus was the Son of God they had long waited for. 

Acts 2 shows us that the Apostles devoted themselves to the scriptures. Why does this affect our understanding of and relationship to the scriptures as individuals and as a church family? 

The Apostles are the patriarchs of our faith and the first-hand witnesses of who Jesus was, what He did, how He lived, and what He taught.

Prior to Jesus's arrival, there was a deep anticipation for the coming of the promised Messiah. The knowledge and understanding of scripture allowed the Apostles to recognize the many signs that Jesus performed as the fulfillment of scripture, therefore confirming that Jesus was the Son of God they had long waited for. 

When you join the family of Vintage, we ask that you, like the Apostles, commit yourself to studying and building your life upon the scriptures.  

There are two ways we accomplish this:

1) Commit to Study the Scriptures Personally
Spend time in the scriptures as often as you can. Dedicate a part of your day to sitting with the Lord and allowing Him to speak through His word so that you can develop a deeper understanding of who He is and what His call on your life will be. 

2) Commit to Study the Scriptures Corporately
We believe the Holy Spirit works and speaks through the church. Every teaching shared at a corporate gathering has been vetted and developed by the teaching team to ensure it is aligned with scripture and can guide our understanding of what the Holy Spirit is doing. 

what we ask of you

the scriptures are what reveal christ to us - they are the foundation of what we believe and how we operate as a church.

learn more

We want to partner with you as you continue to develop your understanding of scripture.

If you would like more information about how to read or interpret scripture, we encourage you to explore our available classes, community groups, and Bible studies.

next steps:
